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Cột Cadimi (SMEWW 4500-NO3.E) Đức

Ảnh đại diện

Standard Methods: 4500-NO3- E:  Nitrate in Water After Cadmium Reduction

Official Method Name
Nitrate in Water by Colorimetry and Cadmium Reduction
Current Revision
Standard Methods Online
Spectroscopy (Colorimetry; Photometry)
Method Subcategory
Method Source
   Standard Methods
   Standard Methods Online - Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
Brief Method Summary
Nitrate is reduced almost quantitatively to nitrite in the presence of Cd. The nitrite thus produced is determined by diazotizing with sulfanilamide and coupling with N-(1-napthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride to form a highly colored azo dye that is measured colorimetrically.
Scope and Application
This method allows for determination nitrate and nitrite in water. This method will determine between 0.01 and 1 mg NO3-N/L.
Applicable Concentration Range
0.01 - 1.0mg/L
(1) Suspended matter restricts sample flow. (2) Metals (e.g., iron, copper) lower reduction efficiency. (3) Oil & Grease which coats the column. (4) Residual chlorine which oxidizes the reduction column. (5) Colored samples that absorb at ~540 nm.
Quality Control Requirements
Sample Handling
Collect 100 mL sample in a plastic or glass container. When storing sample for > 1 day, preserve with 2 mL concentrated H2SO4/L. Refrigerate at 4 C. Individual species NO3- and NO2- cannot be determined from preserved samples. Analyze within 48 hours.
Maximum Holding Time
48 hours
Ảnh đại diện
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